Tekmar Talk Blog

EPA Releases Interim Decision for Ethylene Oxide to Protect Workers and Communities

EPA bans all uses of trichloroethylene and consumer uses of perchloroethylene

EPA’s final risk determination for 1,4-dioxane reveals even small amounts negatively impact drinking water supplies

Exploring PFAS alternatives

EPA bans methylene chloride for most uses

MIT scientists create sensor to detect low-level PFAS

VOC analysis of drinking water by Purge and Trap

One year after the East Palestine, Ohio, train derailment

Determining Relevant Detection and Quantitation Limits

US EPA prioritizing two VOCs used in Purge and Trap analysis for risk evaluation

Preparing Your Instruments for the Holiday Break

Helium Conservation in Purge and Trap Analysis

Troubleshooting Part 6: Benchmark Troubleshooting Tool

Troubleshooting Part 5: Six warning signs of a leak in your Purge & Trap and ways to detect the source

Troubleshooting Part 4: Linearity and reproducibility issues

Troubleshooting Part 3: Elution issues and moisture control

Understanding the Importance of Cleaning and Blanking Procedures for the Fusion UV/Persulfate TOC Analyzer

Achieving the Maximum Analytical Range of Teledyne Tekmar’s Fusion UV-Persulfate TOC Analyzer

Troubleshooting Part 2: No or low analyte response and carryover

VOC Analysis Troubleshooting Part 1: How to Begin Troubleshooting

Maintaining Analytical Excellence with your Teledyne Tekmar Total Organic Carbon Analyzers

Moisture Control Blog Series Part 4: Ways to optimize moisture control in the GC-MS

Moisture Control Blog Series Part 3: Ways to optimize moisture control in the Purge and Trap – desorb and bake settings

Choosing the Right TOC for your Laboratory

Spring Cleaning

The Role of Total Organic Carbon Analyzers in the Pharmaceutical Market

Moisture Control Blog Series Part 2: Ways to optimize moisture control in the Purge and Trap

Conquer the Worst Enemy of Low-Level Total Organic Carbon Results

Moisture Control Blog Series Part 1: Why is water vapor bad for VOC analysis?

Who are the employees of Teledyne Tekmar/ Teledyne Leeman Labs - Joe Barta

Who are the employees of Teledyne Tekmar/ Teledyne Leeman Labs - Susan Scheib

Who are the employees of Teledyne Tekmar/Leeman Labs - Stephen Proffitt

Who are the employees of Teledyne Tekmar/ Teledyne Leeman Labs - Amy Nutter

Who are the employees of Teledyne Tekmar/ Teledyne Leeman Labs

The Role of Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Validation Techniques in the Pharmaceutical Industry

What is Total Organic Carbon (TOC)?

Returning to work after COVID-19

EPA Acknowledges Pesticide Risk to Bees

The Dirty Dozen: List of Fruits and Vegetables that Have the Highest Pesticide Residue

Comparing TOC Analysis Techniques

Role of Total Organic Carbon Analysis in the Cosmetics Industry

Global Supply of Helium Dropping, Hope in New Found Reserves

The Role of Mentoring in the Lab

Analytical Trap Comparison for USEPA Method 8260C

New Purge & Trap Guide

Fresh Produce Companies Moving to On-site Residue Testing

Strawberries Top the Pesticide List… Again

Time Management and Productivity Tips to Help You Succeed

U.S. Government Amends TSCA; EPA Names First 10 Chemicals it will Evaluate Under New Authority

Meet the Teledyne Tekmar Team - Joy Osborne Profile

Meet the Teledyne Tekmar Team - Jacob Rebholz Profile

Can Sample Size Trends Be Trusted?

Charged Additives Save Pesticides and the Environment

TOC Combustion Analyzer Gets Solids Module

Teledyne Tekmar’s New Lumin Purge and Trap Concentrator

Pesticides Threaten Endangered Species

New Study uses Multiple Mass Spectrometry Methods to Investigate E-Cigarette Toxicity

Your Clothes Smell Because of VOCs, Now What?

7 truths about Genetically Modified (GMO) Crop Pesticides and the Significant Health and Environmental Risks assocated with them

Automating the Extraction of Illegal Dyes

Flint, Michigan’s Water Problem

Monitoring PAHs Extracted From Soil

PAHs Contaminants In NYC Community Gardens

EPA Proposes New Water Contaminants Monitoring Rule

Are Americans Walking Away from Iconic Food Brands?

Should You Throw Out the Fake Christmas Tree? Are the Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) harming you?

Yes, You Should Wash Your Fruits and Veggies

The Volatile Organic Compounds of… Love?

Fact or Fiction:Organic Foods are Safer For You

Avoid VOCs - Go Outside and Get SomeFresh Air

6 ways in which smartwatches may be helpful in a laboratory

New Study Raises Questions about Hydraulic Fracking and Groundwater Contamination

New Tools Help Michigan Fruit Harvesters Manage and Maximize Insecticide Use

Beyond Facebook and LinkedIn, The Researchers Social Networks

Pesticides in Marijuana - Is it Safe to Smoke?

Mmmm… Bacon! The VOCs that make Bacon Smell So Good

Bees in the Middle of Hot Pesticide Debate

LinkedIn is for Lab Professionals too

Eat Your Fruits and Vegetables

Lab Managers and Social Media

What are Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)?

Go Ahead, Drink that Roundup

Are “Green” Products Killing Us?

Wastewater from Oil Fields Threatens Clean Water Resources

Using Chromatography to analyze Art and Bed Bugs

Hydraulic Fracking - Is Drinking Water at Risk?

Fundamentals of Purge and Trap

Testing VOC Samples on Mars

Do the U.S. Pesticide Residue Monitoring Programs Need Improvements?

Using Alternative Gases for VOC Analysis

Need to analyze VOC contaminating water sources in Danish Flats

Clorpyrifos and impact on humans - need to analyze for pesticide residue

Are Pesticide Residues to blame for the Decline in Bee Population?

Estimated 8,000 Gallons of Diesel Spills into Ohio River may impact drinking water

What does an application chemist do?

Understanding Total Organic Carbon (TOC) and Why it should be Measured

High Levels of Benzene Found in Chinese Tap Water

Teledyne Tekmar Instruments Testing Cincinnati Water after West Virginia MCHM Leak

The Basics: QuEChERS Step by Step

The Road Ahead: The FSMA, Food Industry and Food Testing Labs

Witch Trials and Food Poisoning

Uncorked: Study Finds Pesticide in French Wine

The Basics: Benzene in Beverages and its Human Health Effects

Moving Forward: Re-Envisioning Our Blog Content

Using Hydrogen as a Carrier Gas

The Importance of Changing the Water Supply in the Torch and Fusion TOC Analyzers

Total Solution for Food and Environmental Laboratory Testing

Analytical Chemical Methods Technical Workshop on Hydraulic Fracturing

Calibration by Dilution

So you have a leak…

Troubleshooting Tips: Isolating the Problem

Carrier Gas Alternatives: Considerations when Switching from Helium

Hydraulic Fracturing

Purge and Trap Water Management: Using Desorption Time to Your Advantage

UCMR3: Plug-and-Play, with some GC/MS tweaks

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