Tekmar Talk Blog

The Basics: Benzene in Beverages and its Human Health Effects

Posted by Jason Davis on Fri, Oct 11, 2013 @ 10:21 AM

Our recent Application Note:  "Achieving Low-Level Detection of Benzene in Beverages with an Automated Headspace Vial Sampler" and accompanying webinar “Benzene in Beverages - How Low Can We Go” brought many thoughts to mind (to view Benzene Analysis resources and the webinar, please click the button at the bottom of this blog). Foremost was that I knew next to nothing about Benzene, how it could  end up in my soft drink, and what potential health effects it might have.  I remembered vaguely hearing about it in my childhood.  My general conception was that there was nothing good about it.  Being myself a wary food consumer (you’ll find me reading the back panels of food boxes in the grocery store), this was a subject for my inner food skeptic.  What I discovered was not nearly as straight forward as I had presumed.

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Tags: Purge and Trap Concentrator, Atomx, VOC, Headspace, HT3, Versa, Benzene, Beverage Analysis

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