Tekmar Talk Blog

EPA bans methylene chloride for most uses

Posted by Amy Nutter on Thu, Oct 17, 2024 @ 03:26 PM

IEPA Bans Methylene Chloriden early 2024, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized a ban on most uses of methylene chloride³.In 2020, EPA began a risk evaluation for methylene chloride and reviewed the exposures and hazards, magnitude of risk, exposed populations, severity of the hazards, uncertainties, and other factors. The risk evaluation included input from the public and peer reviewers as required by the Toxic Substances Control Act. In 2022, the EPA released a final revised risk determination for methylene chloride where it found the chemical substance presents an unreasonable risk of injury to human health under its conditions of use⁴.

Methylene chloride is a volatile organic compound (VOC). It is a clear, colorless liquid, producing potentially toxic concentrations at room temperature. Exposure includes inhalation, skin and eye contact, and ingestion, where it causes irritation to the skin, eyes, respiratory tract, and gastrointestinal tract, and central nervous system depression¹. It is also known to cause liver cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, brain cancer, cancer of the blood, and cancer of the central nervous system³.

Methylene chloride is produced commercially in large volumes because it is used as a solvent in paint and varnish strippers and in degreasing agents. It is used in the production of photographic films, synthetic fibers, pharmaceuticals, adhesives, inks, and printed circuit boards. Additionally, it is used as a blowing agent for polyurethane foams and as a propellant for insecticides, air fresheners, and paints¹.

With all these industrial uses, methylene chloride is very vulnerable to spills. Earlier this year, a spill at Pfizer Inc.’s global manufacturing campus in Portage, Michigan caused a no-contact advisory along a stretch of the Kalamazoo River². An estimated 1,057 gallons of methylene chloride was released within the process area of the manufacturing facility². Unfortunately, we read about these chemical spills too often. Therefore, in 2024 the EPA finalized a risk management rule that prohibits manufacturing, processing, and distributing methylene chloride for all consumer uses and most industrial and commercial uses⁴.

The EPA rule states that methylene chloride should only be used in highly industrialized workplaces which are important to national security and the economy³. Under a Workplace Chemical Protection Plan, strict workplace protections will ensure that workers will not be harmed by methylene chloride use⁴. Methylene chloride continues to be used in manufacturing processing, industrially and commercially as a laboratory chemical and in paint and coating removal. It is found in corrosion-sensitive components of aircraft and spacecraft, as a bonding agent for solvent welding, as a processing aid, and in the manufacturing of plastic and rubber products⁴.

To keep workplaces safe under the Workplace Chemical Protection Program, these industrial locations will have 18 months to comply with the program and their workplace will be periodically monitored to ensure workers are not being exposed to an unreasonable risk level of methylene chloride³.

Hopefully, the limited use of methylene chloride will help prevent or reduce accidental spills into the environment and unreasonable risk to workplaces.



  1. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. “Medical Management Guidelines for Methylene Chloride”. January 12, 2017. Methylene Chloride | Medical Management Guidelines | Toxic Substance Portal | ATSDR (cdc.gov)
  2. Boldrey, Ryan. “Pfizer chemical spill prompts no-contact advisory of Kalamazoo River”. March 14, 2024. Pfizer chemical spill prompts no-contact advisory of Kalamazoo River - mlive.com
  3. S. Environmental Protection Agency. “Biden-Harris Administration Finalizes Ban on Most Uses of Methylene Chloride, Protecting Workers and Communities from Fatal Exposure”. April 30, 2024. Biden-Harris Administration Finalizes Ban on Most Uses of Methylene Chloride, Protecting Workers and Communities from Fatal Exposure | US EPA
  4. S. Environmental Protection Agency. “Final Risk Evaluation for Methylene Chloride”. April 30, 2024. Final Risk Evaluation for Methylene Chloride | US EPA

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Tags: VOC, Teledyne Tekmar, Volatile Organic Compounds, methylene chloride

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