Tekmar Talk Blog

Troubleshooting Part 3: Elution issues and moisture control

Posted by Amy Nutter on Fri, Jul 28, 2023 @ 01:33 PM

This is the third in our Troubleshooting series for VOC Analysis. 

Part three will discuss elusion issues and moisture control for VOC analysis.

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Tags: VOC, Teledyne Tekmar, Volatile Organic Compounds, P&T, Purge and Trap, Moisture Control

Understanding the Importance of Cleaning and Blanking Procedures for the Fusion UV/Persulfate TOC Analyzer

Posted by Stephen Proffitt on Fri, Jun 30, 2023 @ 04:03 PM

A typical analysis schedule for the Fusion TOC analyzer starts with a cleaning procedure. The cleaning procedure confirms cleanliness of the system and will ensure low instrument background. Also, tracking cleaning procedure results from day to day will give an indication if any contamination issues may be occurring. It is imperative to have low background and no contamination to achieve superior low-level TOC results.

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Tags: TOC, Fusion

Achieving the Maximum Analytical Range of Teledyne Tekmar’s Fusion UV-Persulfate TOC Analyzer

Posted by Stephen Proffitt on Tue, Jun 27, 2023 @ 03:34 PM

The Fusion Total Organic Carbon (TOC) analyzer is equipped with TOC Teklink, a fully optimized graphical user interface.

This blog will demonstrate how Teklink helps to achieve the maximum analytical range for analysis.

To allow for quick startup, predetermined methodology has been set up for various sample types. For example, there are preset methods for analyzing pharmaceutical water, drinking water, and wastewater.

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Tags: TOC, Fusion

Troubleshooting Part 2: No or low analyte response and carryover

Posted by Amy Nutter on Fri, Jun 09, 2023 @ 03:34 PM

This is the second in our Troubleshooting series for VOC Analysis. 

Part one is linked here, VOC Analysis Troubleshooting Part 1: How to Begin Troubleshooting

Part 2 will discuss No, or Low, Analyte Response and Carryover.

Troubleshooting your instruments can be a frustrating process, but I hope this series eases some of that pain and helps you through it. If you’re dealing with no or low response from your analytes, you first need to know if the analytes are even getting to the Gas Chromatograph and Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS). Following the advice in part one of this series, start with a direct injection into the GC of the same standards you use on your Purge and Trap (P&T), to confirm normal operation of the GC-MS. If you see poor chromatography and resolution or reduced response, you should change your inlet liner and clip the column.

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Tags: VOC, Purge and Trap

VOC Analysis Troubleshooting Part 1: How to Begin Troubleshooting

Posted by Amy Nutter on Fri, Jun 02, 2023 @ 10:21 AM

A carefully designed and faithfully executed preventative maintenance program is the best method for maintaining your scientific instruments. Keeping up with daily, weekly, monthly, and even quarterly maintenance tasks will help maintain the performance of the unit and decrease downtime. Maintenance checklists can be found in the manual to your Teledyne Tekmar instrument. The manual can also be an immense help with troubleshooting, because it has tips and instrument flow diagrams.

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Tags: VOC

Maintaining Analytical Excellence with your Teledyne Tekmar Total Organic Carbon Analyzers

Posted by Stephen Proffitt on Thu, Apr 20, 2023 @ 01:50 PM

Preventive maintenance for analytical instrumentation should be scheduled and performed proactively. It is something that should not be put on the back burner. Establishing and adhering to a preventive maintenance schedule is beneficial in many ways:

  • Reduces the risk of instrument failure
  • Decreases unexpected downtime
  • Increases laboratory productivity
  • Extends instrumentation lifetime
  • Saves money
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Tags: TOC, Analytical Instrumentation

Moisture Control Blog Series Part 4: Ways to optimize moisture control in the GC-MS

Posted by Amy Nutter on Mon, Apr 10, 2023 @ 02:38 PM

Water vapor entering the gas chromatograph (GC) inlet, column, and, ultimately, the mass spectrometer (MS) can minimize the sensitivity of our early eluting compounds, including our gases. It can also cause poor peak shape, compounds to co-elude, and shift in retention time, even in compounds outside of the water peak. So, once the water is introduced into our system, it starts to wreak havoc on all our compounds. Some say water doesn’t affect column phase or lifespan, but some have seen an effect, especially if you’re running a lot of samples; water can shorten the column life of your GC column and can cause vacuum issues if you’re using a MS system, which could lead to shorter filament lifetime and having to clean the source more often.

Throughout this blog series, we’ve discussed ways to minimize the amount of water vapor introduced to the GC-MS, using Teledyne Tekmar’s moisture control fitting and application control. We can continue to control moisture not only through this hardware designed for the Purge and Trap, but also through method parameters we can adjust and using smart method parameters on the GC.

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Tags: VOC, Purge and Trap, Moisture Control

Moisture Control Blog Series Part 3: Ways to optimize moisture control in the Purge and Trap – desorb and bake settings

Posted by Amy Nutter on Mon, Apr 03, 2023 @ 12:35 PM

The last two Purge and Trap (P&T) settings we will discuss in this blog series might be the most important for moisture control in this volatile organic compound (VOC) analysis: desorb and bake settings.

We can adjust our desorb time to help reduce the amount of moisture we put onto the gas chromatograph (GC) and mass spectrometer (MS). A longer desorb time will remove more of compounds from the analytical trap and send them to the GC, but this includes water, leading to a longer water peak in the total ion chromatogram. If the desorb time is shortened, less of that analyte material is transferred to the GC, but we will have a much shorter water peak, giving the compound peaks better shape and resolution. This gives us an opportunity for method optimization with the desorb settings both in time and temperature.

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Tags: VOC, Purge and Trap

Choosing the Right TOC for your Laboratory

Posted by Tyler Trent on Wed, Mar 29, 2023 @ 10:11 AM

Total Organic Carbon (TOC) plays a vital role in today’s laboratory. There are two main types of TOC systems in today’s market: UV-Persulfate oxidation, and high temperature combustion oxidation. While these two systems have some areas of overlap, they offer different solutions for the laboratory. 

Read more to learn about the differences between these two systems.

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Tags: TOC, Laboratory Technology

Spring Cleaning

Posted by Tom Hartlein on Mon, Mar 27, 2023 @ 10:06 AM

Well, the season is changing here in the Midwest and sample collection time will soon be upon us. In the laboratory, much like at home, a good spring cleaning goes a long way.

For Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) analysis, multiple cleaning procedures or preventative maintenance techniques should be employed.

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Tags: VOC, Sample Preparation

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