The Importance of Changing the Water Supply in the Torch and Fusion TOC Analyzers
Posted by Teledyne Tekmar on Fri, Aug 16, 2013 @ 04:43 PM
Tags: TOC, Total Organic Carbon, Teledyne Tekmar
Total Solution for Food and Environmental Laboratory Testing
Posted by Teledyne Tekmar on Mon, Jun 03, 2013 @ 09:24 PM
Over the past few months, Ab Sciex hosted a technical talk with invited guest from Teledyne Tekmar, Phenomenex, and Gerstel on driving innovation, “Better Ideas for the Modern Food and Environmental Testing Laboratory”. The goal of this workshop was to show that collectively these companies could create a total solution for food and environmental laboratory testing. It, also, served as a forum to talk about pertinent issues and challenges in regards to food testing. Teledyne Tekmar was privileged to introduce the new AutoMate-Q40 a revolutionary system specifically designed and optimized to automate the QuEChERS sample preparation workflow. The AutoMate-Q40 system automates the following sampler preparation functions:
Tags: Teledyne Tekmar, Food Testing Laboratory, food testing, pesticide analysis, pesticide, QuEChERS, Environmental Testing Laboratory, AutoMate, food extracts, extractions, pesticides, residue
Analytical Chemical Methods Technical Workshop on Hydraulic Fracturing
Posted by Teledyne Tekmar on Sat, Apr 13, 2013 @ 04:51 PM
The US EPA hosted a technical workshop on analytical chemical methods for hydraulic fracturing on February 25th in Research Triangle Park, NC. The goal of these workshops is to gather together stakeholders, technical experts, and EPA representatives to get updates on the progress of the EPA’s testing with regards to hydraulic fracturing. It also serves as a forum to discuss best testing practices and methodologies for this area. Teledyne Tekmar was privileged to participate as a speaker and participant in the round table panel discussions that coincided with the workshop.
Tags: VOC, Teledyne Tekmar, Sample Preparation, Volatile Organic Compounds, drinking water, chromatography, Hydraulic Fracturing, Fracking, Analytical Instrumentation, Concentrator, Autosampler, Analyzer
Automated sample preparation is built upon making instruments easier to use, faster, and more efficient. More recent features to purge and trap systems like mass flow controllers and variable volume standard addition, give more method flexibility than legacy products. The 27 mL syringe on our Atomx VOC sample prep system allows for dilution of high level samples as well as automated methanol extractions.
Tags: VOC, Teledyne Tekmar, GRO, Gasoline Range Organics, Sample Preparation, Volatile Organic Compounds
You have successfully installed your TOC analyzer and, as suggested, you run a “Leak Check” prior to starting your analysis. The leak check fails, so you tighten everything, perform another leak check, and still, the instrument does not pass. Without a plan of attack, this can be frustrating and time consuming. Fortunately, there are some troubleshooting techniques that can help.
Tags: TOC, Total Organic Carbon, Teledyne Tekmar, Analyzer, Combustion